Winning Game #2: Cut Loose Clubhouse Chemistry Killers
The Cubs and Indians have had decades-long championship droughts and both teams have rebuilt themselves all the way back to instill a...

Being Agile, Adaptable, and Accountable -- Part 3 of 3 of Our Conversation With Ed Wehmer
During our recent conversation with Ed Wehmer, President and CEO of Wintrust Financial Corporation, we discussed maintaining a culture in...

Conversation with Ed Wehmer (Part 2 of 3) -- How a Leader With Courage Preserves Culture Through the
In the continuation of our conversation with Ed Wehmer, President and CEO of Wintrust Financial Corporation, we talked about the kind of...

Leader With Courage: Edward Wehmer, President & CEO, Wintrust Financial Corporation (Part 1 of
When he founded Lake Forest Bank and Trust in 1991 and then Wintrust in 1998, Ed Wehmer solidified himself as a true Leader With Courage....

How To Earn Compound Interest On Leading With Courage
Recognize this curve? It illustrates one of the most fundamental concepts in finance - compound interest. This is when interest on the...

The #1 Way Great Firms Die (And How Yours Can Avoid Being Next)
10,000 baby boomers will retire every day for each of the next 13 years according to estimates from the Social Security Administration...

How Leaders Stay Fresh And Help Others Step Up - Part 3 of 3 of the Conversation with Bryan Schwartz
With almost every leader we’ve spoken with, they’ve often stepped into a culture that they inherited in some way and had to reshape from...

How A Law Firm Wins By Aligning Its Disruptors (Part 2 of the Conversation with Bryan Schwartz)
People who rock the boat in your environment aren’t as bad as you think. In fact, they may be just what your business needs to approach...

Leader With Courage: Bryan Schwartz, Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC (Part 1 of 3)
Our newest Leader with Courage profile is Bryan Schwartz, business attorney and co-founder of Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC. The first line...

The Most Challenging Piece Of The Leadership Puzzle
From our research and client experience at Value Drivers, we’ve identified four attributes that comprise a Leader With Courage. After...